Nordkinnhalvoya - tourist map 1:60,000

Tourist map of the northernmost peninsula of mainland Europe, Nordkinnhalvoya, and the Finnmark region. A good hiking map is a great helper when planning nice hikes in the Finnmark region. Texts only in Norwegian, clear information and legend also in English. Thanks to the Tyvek® material, it is completely waterproof and highly tear-resistant.
Kč 499

(Kč 499 ks)

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Tourist map of Nordkinnhalvoy and the Finnmark region. there are opportunities for trips in all seasons. A good hiking map is a great help when planning nice hikes up and down in the Finnmark region. This map was developed in cooperation with the Finnmark Outdoor Council. Texts only in Norwegian, clear information and legend also in English. Thanks to the Tyvek® material, it is completely waterproof and highly tear-resistant. Tyvek will not wear out in the crease or lose color with use.

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