z merino vlny

z merino vlny

Merino vlna pohlcuje pachy a je velmi jemná k pokožce. Hřeje i vlhká a můžete prát v pračce na vlněný program.

z merino vlny

Norlender KRISTIN ladies sweater, 100% merino wool

Very fine 100% merino wool sweater from Norlender with a long family tradition. Women's sweater KRISTIN is a single layer sweater knitted in red with a white, typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. Higher collar, zipped at the neck.
Kč 6,199
In Stock
size: XS (34-36) S (36-38) M (38-40) L (40-42) XL (42-44)

Norlender KRISTIN, ladies sporty sweater, 100% merino wool

Very fine sweater of 100% merino wool from Norlender with a long family tradition. Ladies sweater KRISTIN is a single-layer sweater knitted in dark blue with a white, typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. Higher collar, zipper at neck.
Kč 6,199
In Stock
size: XS (34-36) S (36-38) M (38-40) L (40-42) XL (42-44)

Vrikke HOVDEN, men's sweater black 100% merino wool

Lightweight and warm men's 100% Merino wool sweater from Vrikke. A popular Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. It fits into the company and for fun, it always heats up and is guaranteed to "not taste"!
Kč 5,499
Product available with different options
size: S (48) M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

Women's sweater Icewear GERDE, 100% merino wool

The thin women's sweater surprises with the unique softness of merino wool. Thanks to the characteristic properties of wool, the sweater is an ideal functional layer. The design of the Gerde model relies on the Norwegian style known for its distinctive pattern, and this particular sweater has dotted panels in the shoulder area. The pattern is repeated on...
Kč 4,699
In Stock
size: XS (36) S (38-40) M (42) L (44-46) XL (48-50)

Norwegian sweater Norlender JOTUNHEIMEN, 100% merino wool

Norwegian sweater made of 100% merino wool from the Norlender company with a long family tradition. Unisex sweater JOTUNHEIMEN is a single-layer light sweater knitted in a combination of dark blue color with a white, typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. The upper part from the pattern to the shoulders is more airy knitted. The sweater is...
Kč 6,199
In Stock
size: M (50) L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

dámský svetr NORwear GERDE

Tenký dámský svetr překvapí jedinečnou hebkostí merino vlny. Díky charakteristickým vlastnostem vlny je svetr ideální funkční vrstvou. Design modelu Gerde spoléhá na norský styl známý svým výrazným vzorem a tento konkrétní svetr má tečkované panely v oblasti ramen. Vzor se znovu opakuje na manžetách a pasu. Tento klasický skandinávský vzor nabízí...
Kč 4,699
In Stock
size: XS (36) S (38-40) M (42) L (44-46) XL (48-50)

Norwegian children's sweater MARIUS, Stellar 100% merino...

We also bring the most famous Norwegian MARIUS® pattern in children's sizes. A classic sweater made of the popular soft 100% merino wool will delight and warm you. The sweater has a nice high collar with a zip fastening with a tab in the color of the Norwegian flag. The new color combination combines blue with ocher. Suitable for both boys and girls. The...
Kč 2,299
size: 3-4 yrs. 4-5 yrs. 10-11 yrs.

Norský svetr Norlender JOTUNHEIMEN

Norský svetr ze 100% merino vlny od firmy Norlender s dlouholetou rodinnou tradicí. Unisex svetr JOTUNHEIMEN je jednovrstvý lehký svetr pletený v kombinaci tmavě modré barvy s bílým, typickým norským vzorem na prsou a rukávech. Vrchní část od vzoru k ramenům je vzdušněji pletená. Svetr se obléká přes hlavu a má zapínání na zip u krku.
Kč 6,199
In Stock
size: L (52) XL (54) XXL (56)

Šaty KITA s kapucí

Luxusní dámské šaty ze 100% merino vlny s kapucí od firmy Vrikke. Elegantní šaty pro každou příležitost v tmavě šedé barvě s bílými a světle šedými vzory a motivy.
Kč 5,299
Product available with different options
size: L (40-42) XL (42-44) XXL (46-48)

Norský dětský svetr MARIUS, modročervený, 100% merino vlna

We also bring the most famous Norwegian model MARIUS® in children's sizes. A classic sweater made of the popular fine 100% merino wool will please and warm you up. The sweater has a pleasant high collar with a zipper and a loop in the color of the Norwegian flag. Typically, the blue-red combination suits both boys and girls. The Norwegian Marius® pattern...
Kč 2,299
In Stock
size: 4-5 yrs.

Norlender Norwegian sweater SETESDAL, white, 100% merino...

Norwegian sweater from the finest merino wool by Norlender with a long family tradition. Unisex sweater with the best-known pattern SETESDAL is a single-layer sweater knitted in a combination of white and dark blue with a typical Norwegian pattern on the chest and sleeves. Without pockets.
Kč 5,999
Product available with different options
size: XS (46) L (52) XL (54)

Dámský svetr SETESDAL

Norský dámský pletený svetr z jemné merino vlny s norským vzorem z údolí Setesdal se známým motivem růže Selbu, která připomíná sněhovou vločku a která má chránit před zlými duchy. Celorozepínací na zip. Jako vhodný doplněk doporučujeme sukni Mina nebo šálu, čelenku či nákrčník se stejným vzorem.
Kč 5,499
In Stock
size: S (36-38)

Men's sweater Icewear HAMAR, 100% merino wool

The thin men's sweater surprises with the unique softness of merino wool. Thanks to the characteristic properties of wool, the sweater is an ideal functional layer. The design of the HAMAR model relies on the Norwegian style known for its distinctive pattern, and this particular sweater has dotted panels in the shoulder area. The pattern is repeated on...
Kč 4,699
In Stock
size: M (50-52) L (54) XL (56-58)

Vrikke LOEN men's sweater jacket, 100% merino wool

Light and warm full-length men's sweater from 100% merino wool from Vrikke / A Northern Story. The most famous Norwegian pattern from the Setesdal valley on the chest and sleeves. Red line on chest. Sweater can be unzipped from the bottom and has a two-way zipper.
Kč 6,290
Product available with different options
size: S (48) M (50)

Men's sweater Icewear HAMAR, 100% merino wool

The thin men's sweater will surprise you with the unique softness of merino wool. Thanks to the characteristic properties of wool, the sweater is an ideal functional layer. The design of the HAMAR model relies on the Norwegian style known for its bold pattern, and this particular sweater has dotted panels in the shoulder area. The pattern is repeated...
Kč 4,699
Product available with different options
size: M (50-52) L (54) XL (56-58) XXL (60-62)

Wool Sweater Marius® for Kids with Zip, Lotus Pink

We also bring the most famous Norwegian model MARIUS® in children's sizes. A classic sweater made of the popular fine 100% merino wool will please and warm you up. The sweater has a pleasant high collar with a zipper and a loop in the color of the Norwegian flag. The gray-pink color combination is designed for children. The Norwegian Marius® pattern...
Kč 2,299
Product available with different options
size: 3-4 yrs. 4-5 yrs.