Pa Vei 2012 - učebnice

A unique Norwegian textbook published in Norway for the needs of foreigners. 248 pages, A4 size, soft binding. Only Norwegian in bokmal language form. For beginners, level A1-B1.
Kč 1,399
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Her pa berget 2024 - učebnice

Učebnice pro pokročilé, úroveň B1-C1. Nové, 5. aktualizované vydání. Vhodné pro přípravu na test z norštiny úrovně B2 a Bergenstesten. Obsahuje dialogy, vysvětlující texty, mluvní a písemná cvičení, gramatické poučky a slovník, novinové články a literární texty. Najdete tu vhodná témata k dialogům a procvičení nových poznatků z norštiny. Doprovodné texty...
Kč 1,499

God i norsk 1 arbeidsbok - workbook

The workbook follows the chapters in the textbook and contains grammar, oral and written tasks, listening exercises and tests for each chapter. Accompanying texts only in Norwegian (bokmaal). Norwegian level A1/A2
Kč 1,549

Pa Vei 2018 - CD for teachers

CD for teachers of Norwegian for the textbook Pa vei 2018. It contains audio tracks for the textbook and workbook. Special exercises for the needs of the teacher to test and practice listening to Norwegian. Box contains 8 CDs.
Kč 3,990

Norges historie - Oivind Stenersen

Who is Birkebeiner? When did Norwegian women get the right to vote? What personalities formed Norwegian history? How did the language develop and how Norway behaved during the war? The simple language described Norwegian history for both beginners and advanced Norwegian students in the Norwegian language bokmaal . 152 pages. Brochure binding.
Kč 799