

Talar du svenska? Ověřené české učebnice a slovníky pomohou se startem výuky švédštiny.


Švédština - cestovní konverzace + CD

Swedish Audio Conversation + pronunciation CD. It contains: - 32 topics for easy communication - over 500 conversational conversations with pronunciation - self-study by listening and repeating - bilingual recording of native speakers (on the enclosed CD) - en
Kč 274

Švédsko-český a česko-švédský šikovný slovník

A new Swedish dictionary, intended not only for students, but for all those interested in Swedish. Passwords, meanings, and translations are carefully selected so that you can find commonly used words and conversations from the record and colloquial languages. Edition: 1., 2015 | Pages: 768 | Format: 165 × 115 mm | ISBN: 978-80-7508-102-5 Binding: bonded...
Kč 439

Rivstart - Yrkesliv

Rivstart Yrkesliv je učebnice speciálně napsaná pro vás, kteří se chcete naučit švédštinu v práci! Díky jasné struktuře a rozmanitým cvičením Rivstart se naučíte švédštinu rychleji.
Kč 879
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Norstedts tjeckiska ordbok - Swedish-Czech and...

Norstedts tjeckiska ordbok is a completely new and modern medium-sized dictionary between Czech and Swedish published in Sweden, containing approximately 60,000 entries and phrases. A great helper for learning Swedish for Czech speakers and Czech for Swedish speakers.
Kč 1,089
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